Membership Prices & Conditions
The LU-CIX ASBL membership package is composed of a basic membership and one of the 4 marketing packages. The member chooses the marketing package which fits best its needs in term of connectivity, marketing visibility and commitment into the community's activities.
BASIC MEMBERSHIP for all is 500€/year
and has to be associated with one of the marketing packages below.
Marketing package CLASSIC is 1.500€/year (on top of the BASIC membership above)
- Eligible for connecting to the LU-CIX Internet eXchange platform for peering, VoIP exchange, etc.;
- Member’s logo visible in alternance on the LU-CIX website;
- For new connected members, a welcome email will be sent to all LU-CIX peering-members;
- Announcement in the LU-CIX newsletter;
- “News accelerator”: member’s relevant posts on LinkedIn will be liked and shared to the LU-CIX community;
- Right to use the LU-CIX logo on member’s website and publications;
- Presence on the platform is offered* in member’s corresponding section(s), subject to relevancy, and on demand;
- Invitation to the LU-CIX events (General Meetings, exclusive Afterwork drinks, webinars and trainings, etc.);
- At the Luxembourg Internet Days: one entry for the Sunset Eve, the event’s networking evening, on demand.
Marketing package GOLD is 2.000€/year (on top of the BASIC membership above)
Classic package, plus:
- Member’s logo (+URL) visible in permanence on the LU-CIX website;
- Member’s logo on “Supporting Members” dedicated screen displayed at the LU-CIX events, if relevant;
- A “Welcome news story” will be sent to media, displayed on the LU-CIX website and shared with the LU-CIX community via LinkedIn;
- At the Luxembourg Internet Days: a voucher of minimum 250 €** to be used on the event’s sponsorship packages and one additional entry (2 in total) for the Sunset Eve, the event’s networking evening, on demand.
Marketing package PLATINUM is 4.500€/year (on top of the BASIC membership above)
Gold package, plus:
- Testimonial with picture on LU-CIX website;
- At the Luxembourg Internet Days:
- A voucher of minimum 3.000 €** to be used on the event’s sponsorship packages;
- A 2-week exclusivity on the sponsorship packages***;
- One first row seat in the main conference room, if possible, on demand;
- Brochures and goodies displayed for free;
- One additional entry (3 in total) for the Sunset Eve, the event’s networking evening, on demand.
Marketing package DIAMOND is 9.500€/year (on top of the BASIC membership above)
Platinum package, plus:
- At the Luxembourg Internet Days:
- An additional voucher of 2.000 €** (5.000 € in total) to be used on the event’s sponsorship packages;
- An interview will be made and displayed to media partner(s) and shared with the LU-CIX community via LinkedIn;
- Your logo and message branding the access desks (where all the visitors access badges are to be printed).
For non connected members
The amount of the vouchers** for the Luxembourg Internet Days are the following:
- 1.000€ for Classic members;
- 1.250€ for Gold members;
- 3.500€ for Platinum members;
- 5.500€ for Diamond members.
Prices for Small and XTRA-Small enterprises
Small enterprise price advantage is granted to small enterprises having 10 employees maximum.
- BASIC membership + Marketing package CLASSIC = 1.000 €/year;
- BASIC membership + Marketing package GOLD = 1.250 €/year -- with a voucher of 200 €** for the Luxembourg Internet Days.
XTRA-Small enterprise price advantage is granted to extra-small enterprises having 2 employees maximum.
- BASIC membership + Marketing package GOLD = 500 €/year.
Simply download, fill in and send back the APPLICATION FORM to info[at]lu-cix[dot]lu.
Payment by card (excepted AMEX) is possible upon prior request to asbl-finance[at]lu-cix[dot]lu; a 2.6% service fee will be applied on the VAT included invoice amount.
The LU-CIX ASBL membership is governed by the LU-CIX ASBL by-laws (articles of incorporation – consolidated version) and “Members Guide” and must be mandatorily associated with one “member package” (Classic, Gold, Platinum or Diamond).
LU-CIX ASBL reserves the right to modify the content of the “member packages” or the location and name of any of the LU-CIX events at any time. In case of a change to the “member packages”, the member will be notified of the relevant change and shall have the right to change the category of its “member package” or to cancel its membership to LU-CIX ASBL on a 30 days prior notice.
Prices and vouchers shall be deemed exclusive of VAT (17%).
* Free presence on the platform is linked to the membership. In case of membership cancellation, the presence will be invoiced based on the price list, unless the member formally cancels his presence on the platform.
** Voucher amount based on yearly invoiced membership & “member package” fee, cannot be cumulated over years, is non-refundable and lost if not spent - is to be spent on the Luxembourg Internet Days packages upon request and depending availability.
*** In case of several members willing to position on a same package during the “cherry-pick 10-day”, LU-CIX would organise a random drawing to determine the final recipient of the package.